Alastair Davey

program director

Alastair Davey is a consultant with a proven track record in developing and implementing strategies for managing safety in diverse and complex environments. He is passionate about supporting and enabling people and organisations to improve health and safety.

Alastair has over 30 years of experience in leadership roles focussing on health, safety, governance, risk, audit and internal controls. He initially qualified as an electronics engineer with GEC and qualified as a chartered accountant with KPMG. Most recently, he led the global health and safety function at the facility management provider Sodexo, responsible for 1,500 safety professionals and 400,000 employees worldwide. Before Sodexo, Alastair spent ten years working in the high-hazard petrochemical sector with Exxon, Mobil, and BP.

As an independent consultant, Alastair writes and speaks regularly about health and safety governance, leadership, strategy and culture. At CEDEP, he is the program director for our new Safety Leadership Through Health and Safety Culture program.