Dr Theo Compernolle is a renowned academic, medical doctor and neuropsychiatrist specialising in the psychological aspects of leadership and enhancing resilience for executives, teams and organisations during conflict, stress and change. As a technophile, he explores the adverse effects of technology misuse on productivity, safety, creativity, health and wellbeing.
Theo integrates research from diverse fields into his teachings including medicine, biology, psychology, neurology, physiology and management. He has published numerous scientific articles and best sellers focused on stress and brain science.
Theo has previously held professorships at the Free University of Amsterdam and Solvay Business School of the Université Libre de Bruxelles and taught in business schools such as INSEAD Vlecrick School and TIAS. He currently teaches and coaches at CEDEP and IMD in Switzerland and collaborates with organisations worldwide.
At CEDEP, driven by his passion for translating science for managers and the public, Theo leads sessions on stress management and brain science for safety.