General terms and conditions of sales

CEDEP General Terms and Conditions


Signing a CEDEP member contract or a programme registration form engages full and unreserved acceptance of the following Terms & Conditions for the Company and/or all of its subsidiaries.


The purpose of this document is to define the general conditions for participation in CEDEP training courses.
Specific clauses may be added.



Open Enrolment Programmes (OEPs) bring together participants from various Companies or Groups; their dates and duration are defined by CEDEP.
Company Specific Programmes (CSPs) bring together a minimum of 15 participants, exclusive to one Company or Group; their dates and duration are defined by mutual agreement between the parties.
All programmes can be delivered in full or in part digitally or face-to-face, over one or more modules/periods.

Booking an OEP Programme:

If the Client wishes to book places for an OEP, he/she must make a request and reserve the places by signing the quote as a commitment. Allocation of the desired programme date is subject to availability, with priority given to the first registered.

Booking a CSP Programme:

When the Client wishes to organise a CSP, specifically with all or part of a face-to-face programme taking place in Fontainebleau, he/she must make a reservation at least 6 months in advance of the start of the programme (8 months for sites abroad); CEDEP sends the Client (by post and/or fax and/or email) an order form containing the terms and conditions of the reservation (dates, number of days, number of participants, services provided, etc…).
Registrations are confirmed only upon receipt of the signed order form or its equivalent.
The signed order form should be returned to CEDEP by email, fax or post to the following address: CEDEP – Boulevard de Constance – 77300 Fontainebleau.
An invitation is sent to the participants in advance of the training session.

Participant registration and services:

The nominative participant list must be sent to CEDEP at least 45 days before the start of the programme, along with any special service requests (served dinners, visits, etc.).

Billing and payment:

Apart from exceptions, notably for “open” programmes which are billable in advance and digital programmes, invoices for tuition/training fees are issued on the first day of the programme, regardless of the number of modules.
Invoices are payable inclusive of VAT within 30 days of the invoice date without deductions.
Any foreign or withholding tax is due by the Client.
Deposits of 50% may be charged upon booking.
In the event of non-payment, the sums due shall be subject to late payment penalties equivalent to three times the legal interest rate in force and immediately payable
In the event of payment of the registration by an OPCA or its equivalent, the Company must ensure that the necessary instructions are transmitted to this organisation. In the event that the training costs are not paid on request by the body responsible for the administrative and financial management of the training or the external paying agency, CEDEP would be entitled to claim them from the Registered Enterprise who would remain jointly liable. Payment of any training session undertaken is due in full.

Client absence, cancellation and postponement:

For OEPs, in the event of absence, postponement or withdrawal during training/module/period, the following compensation is due:
– 1 month before the start of the programme: 50% of the training costs and related services
– Less than 1 week before the start of the programme: 100% of the training costs and related services
– During the training: the full cost is due.

For CSPs, the cancellation or postponement of a programme/module/period is payable (except for certain cases) according to the following conditions:
– 6-4 months before the start of the programme: 25% of the training costs
– 4-1 months before the start of the programme: 50% of the training costs
– Less than one month: 100% of the training costs and 50% of the related services

Postponement of a programme/module/period within the same calendar year is possible depending on availability; otherwise, the same fees are due.
For digital programmes, the above rules also apply in case of cancellation or postponement of a module/intervention/event.
For programmes taking place off CEDEP campus, the above percentages apply to training costs and all related services such as hotel reservations, travel expenses…., except in particular cases linked to the more stringent general conditions of third parties.

Absence, cancellation or postponement of a participant in a residential course:

For all cases, any change made less than 7 days before the start of the programme/module/period will result in the invoicing of the entire amount of accommodation, catering, etc…

Cancellation, modification and postponement by CEDEP:

If the cancellation of the programme is imposed by circumstances beyond our control or for safety reasons, the Client may not claim damages.
If, for any reason, CEDEP is unable to guarantee the firm reservation of a CSP requested by the Client, it undertakes to refund the full price paid, unless the postponement is accepted by the Client / Member.
Should the number of participants for an OEP be deemed insufficient for pedagogical reasons, CEDEP reserves the right to cancel the session and propose new dates.
Conversely, if the number of enrolments in an OEP is deemed too high, paid registrations are confirmed and taken into account in the order in which they are received.
In the event that curriculum content should be changed in an insubstantial manner, CEDEP is entitled to seek the best solution without compromising the validity of the curriculum.
CEDEP reserves the right to terminate unilaterally without notice or indemnity any reservation for which the requested deposit remains unpaid after formal notice.


The information concerning the trainee and/or the Company employing him/her which appears on the registration form will be subject to automated processing. In accordance with the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 and the European Regulation n°2016/679, the trainee (and/or his/her company) has the right to access and rectify information.
Except in the case of a duly proven fault by CEDEP or its principals, the Client will be solely responsible for any damage whatsoever to furniture/equipment etc. placed at his/her disposal.
The Client must take out an insurance policy which covers the above-mentioned risks.

Law and jurisdiction:

These Terms and Conditions are governed by French law. In the event of a dispute arising between the Client/Member and CEDEP, during the execution of a contract, an amicable solution will be sought and, if one cannot be found, the dispute will be settled by the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Fontainebleau.

Fontainebleau, 26 August 2022